Windsor Knot

Windsor Knot Step 1

Start with the broad end hanging further down on the right. Pass the broad end over the narrow end.

Windsor Knot Step 2

Pull the broad end underneath then over the loop around you neck.

Windsor Knot Step 3

Pass the broader end under the narrow end.

Windsor Knot Step 4

Pull the broad end over then underneath the outer layer of the loop around your neck.

Windsor Knot Step 5

Now take the broad end and pass it around the knot.

Windsor Knot Step 6

Pass the broad end up from below and behind the knot and through the loop around your neck.

Windsor Knot Step 7

Pull the broad end underneath the outer layer of the knot.

Windsor Knot Step 8

Carefully adjust the knot, holding it gently and pulling the narrower end.

Finished Windsor Knot